Messenger Of Peace Session at Damak

Nepal Scout Damak Ad.HoC has organized one day session on Messenger of Peace initiatives and Free Being Me for the scouts. Students from different 15  troop of Damak, Urlabari, Gauradha and Kamal Municipality participant the session. 256 scouts and rover-ranger had attend the session. Mr. Hemanta Bhandari Member of Nepal scout Koshi Ad. Hoc Committee and MoP local Coordinator, Mr. Santosh Ghimire, Mr. Kiran Budhathoki MoP Local Coordinator, Mr. Tanishq Thapa MToT Free Being Me facilitate the sessions. Mr. Om Pd. Acharya Co-Ordinator Of Nepal Scout Damak Ad.HoC Committee was the chair man of the programme and Mrs. Regina Bhattarai Praisai Deputy Mayor and Chief Scout Of Damak Municipality attend ad the chief guest. National Trainer Sakuntala Subba, Nepal Scout Koshi Province Officer Mr. Nabaraj Ghimire  and other scout leader, School’s principal, representatives, rover ranger were aso present on the session.

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